The following is a comprehensive compilation of Walter Schloss' investor letters as well as articles and commentaries.
47 Year Result of Walter & Edwin Schloss Associates
A Discussion of Dr. George Athanassakos with Mr. Walter Schloss
A Dozen Things I have Learned from Philip Fisher
April 15,1994 Warnner E. Buffett Letter
Benjamin Graham and Security Analysis A Reminiscene
Benjamin Graham and Security Analysis
Columbia Business School Upper Level Seminar in value Investing
December 6, 1994 Walter & Edwin Schloss associates
Factors needed to make money in the stock market
February 3,1976 Warnner E. Buffett Letter
Financial Intelligence Report
Finding Value Among the Lows The Walter J. Schloss Approach
Forbes Top Stories
From The Thoughtful Businessman
Grant's Interest Rate Observer Fall Investment Conference
In Defence of Stock Dividends
January 6, 2007: Walter J. Schloss for Warner E. Buffett
Making Money Out of Junk
NYSAA Value Investing Archive
NYSSA Honors Walter Schloss
Read Between the Lines
Result of Walter & Edwin Schloss associates
Stock Screenin With Walter Schloss
The Dow Jones Industrial Average Amended
The Over Valuation of Some Blue Chip Stocks
Three Industrial Stock Averages Contrasted
UNARCO We've never Stopped Growing
Video of 92-Year Old Walter Schloss
Warren Buffett on Walter Schloss
Why Walter Schloss Is Such a Great Investor
Why we invest the way we do
Yes, You can beat the Market